Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

I first came across the Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) when Ben told me they were having a dog adoption drive at Summit USJ, Subang Jaya. I was excited to go see the dogs and even told Ben that if more than one dog or puppy wanted to follow me home, I really couldn’t do […]

Wesak day celebration in 2012

Just like previous years, Ben and I celebrated much of Wesak day at the Buddhist Maha Vihara temple at Brickfield. We usually arrived in the late afternoon to avoid the traffic congestion due to the float procession. At the temple, we gave offerings, lighted the oil lamps for ourselves and my family, and then waited a […]

The Hong Kong I saw in 2010

Hong Kong 2010 was one of the many family trips. For me, family trip means a lot of walking because dad loves walking. We planned our trip carefully so that we could maximise our time and visit as many places as we could. The first day we went to Tai Po to makan-makan and visited […]